Here's a snapshot of some of the good things you get direct to your email when you subscribe to The Drop - the future skills email from Hack Yourself
Online learning – top 3 YouTube Channels
MIT, one of the top-ranked Universities in the world, shares free open courses
School of Life – to help you answer some of the bigger questions you may have!
Crash Course – upskill through short videos on economics, physics, philosophy, astronomy, politics, psychology, literature, and biology
New research
Harvard Business School researched 2,300 leaders and employees to identify the best levers for successful organisational transformation. The 6 recommendations include recognising the anxiety change can have on employees, and building a culture of trust and psychological safety
Ask yourself these 6 questions to stress test your strategy:
Have we identified our biggest challenge?
Do we have a coherent approach to overcome that challenge?
Does the strategy align to our promise to the market?
Have we simplified our strategy into a short easy to repeat idea?
Do our people understand their role to support the strategy?
Does our strategy cascade down to every function?Helpful, hey? Via. Carter Collective
AI and creativity
“Gone are the days of starring at a blank page” – this 6 min film from SPACE10 perfectly sets the scene of how AI has impacted creativity
Productivity tip
Try timeboxing – instead of creating long to-do lists, block out the time for your task (even in a separate calendar) About us: We build leaders and high-performing teams
for the changing world of work. Explore courses for you, or for your whole team. Get the whole thing every month: subscribe to The Drop